Thread module


Thread API manages a struct thread. Threads are used by the scheduler.


struct thread *
mdx_thread_create(const char *name, int prio, uint32_t quantum_usec,
    uint32_t stack_size, void *entry, void *arg);

Dynamicaly allocates a thread and a stack space for it. Stack size provided in bytes, quantum in microseconds (usecs). Thread's priority prio, name name, entry point entry and a user argument arg should also be provided.

Note that the quantum could be specified as 0, the cooperative scheduling mode is used in that case.

Returns a pointer to the allocated thread or NULL if allocation fails.

Successfully allocated thread can be added to the scheduler's run queue using mdx_sched_add(td) immediately.

mdx_thread_setup(struct thread *td, const char *name,
    int prio, uint32_t quantum_usec, void *entry, void *arg);

Used to configure a statically allocated thread td with name name, priority prio, entry point entry and argument for the entry point arg. Thread quantum specified in microseconds and then converted to raw timer ticks by mdx_callout_usec_to_ticks().

A thread must have td->td_stack allocated and td->td_stack_size set before calling this function.


Used by a thread to terminate itself at any given time. Could not be used in the exception time.

This is a function a thread goes into after returning from entry point.


Used by a thread to leave the CPU. Only effective if thread's quantum initialized to 0 (cooperative scheduling mode).